
About The Pokemart

This Pokemart app is an example Next.JS website that simulates a storefront. It is instrumented with the Sentry SDK featuring Session Replay, Feedback, Distributed Tracing and of course Errors!.


This site contains a number of features meant to showcase different problems and debugging situations:

  • Backend Error If you have MissingNo in your cart, and try to Checkout: the backend will throw an error.
  • Frontend Error If you have MissingNo in your cart, and try to Checkout: the frontend will receive a 500 response from the backend and throw it's own error.
  • Session Replay: Visit sentry-test/pokemart to see replays.
  • Dead Clicks: Charizard is out of stock, clicking "Add to Cart" will result in a dead-click (or rage-click if you click enough times quickly).
  • N+1 API calls The main Index page makes 16 api calls, to fetch all the pokemon from 1 to 151.
  • Slow Loading The Details page for Slowpoke and Slowbro is artificially slow to load.
  • User Feedback If you change currency into GBP you will notice that the price for Pikachu is not a good deal. This is a good reason to submit a Bug Report / User Feedback.
  • Tests the User Feedback integration